Appreciate Art
For many people the idea of going to an art gallery seems boring. Often when people do go for the first time they will only see a lot of meaningless rubbish.
Yet great art both speaks to us and for us. By learning how to appreciate art we are able find a voice for our own hopes, dreams and pain.
Time: 20 minutes to walk around an art gallery
Just yourself and an art gallery
Find an exhibition worth attending
If you are going to start going to art exhibitions you should start somewhere big. So go to major galleries or if you live in a smaller town, go to a major exhibition.
Attribution Pixabay Olli
Also try and find something that is accessible or that you relate to. There are always artists who speak to you because they share a common interest or background.
Relax and accept most of the art is rubbish
This is called the 80% rule though sometimes it is also called the 90% rule. Basically most (80-90%) of everything is rubbish. Most pop music is rubbish, so are most Hollywood movies, as are most books and so on. So most art is also rubbish.
So for every 10 paintings in a gallery you should expect to only find 1 that is worthwhile. When you walk through an art gallery try and find the artworks that you like. Don't get upset by the other artworks, someone else might like them even if you don't.
Find one art work that speaks to you
What really matters isn't whether the artwork is any good or not, what really matters is how you feel about it. Look for something speaks to you and then listen.
Attribution Pixabay annie_bridie
Learn some of the language of art (if you want to)
A friend studied visual art at university. He said that most of what he learnt was about justifying his art rather than art skills. Often I feel that this is why the quality of artworks are diminishing in the western world.
It is always interesting to learn something about how to talk about art. Yet art shouldn't be there to talk about art but should be there to talk to you. If you have to learn its special language maybe it is failing.
If you like the contrast of colours, the ideas portrayed or the way it was done, that is enough.
Create some art
The best art inspires you to make your own. I love walking around photography exhibits because it inspires me to take better photographs. Other artworks can challenge me to think about colour and composition in the photographs that I take.
Attribution Pixabay amurca
229793 - 2023-07-17 11:45:15