Avoid Blocking of Kitchen Sinks

Avoid Blocking of Kitchen Sinks

Posted 2017-02-22 by harryfollow
A blocked kitchen sink is a domestic life problem that can be a huge nuisance. Clearing it out is an altogether another level of difficult. So one can just take a few precautions to avoid the clogging instead of looking for ways to clear the clogging after the sink is already clogged. Don’t they say that prevention is better than cure?

[Image1 Shutterstock.com]
So here are a few preventive measures to avoid getting a blocked kitchen sink.

  • If there isn’t a garbage disposal, food scraps should be avoided from going down the drain. A food strainer is the best choice to help keep out the food scraps.
  • Cooking grease, coffee grounds, hair, and soap scum are the worst enemies of a kitchen sink. Always take care to not let any of these go through the drain. Negligence in this can lead to a [Link http://www.scrapality.com/2016/07/getting-the-right-acumen-to-treat-a-blocked-kitchen-sink.html blocked kitchen sink] very easily.
  • Collect coffee grounds and dispose those in garbage instead of letting it go down the sink.
  • Accumulate all the cooking grease in a container and then dispose it all together in garbage.
  • Regular cleaning is the key. Keep the kitchen sinks running freely without any clogs and keep cleaning them daily to avoid a huge blockage.
  • Use a screen to cover the sink drain to reduce problems with soap scums and hair. This can avoid the occurrence of blocked kitchen sinks to a large extent.
  • Try running hot water through the sink everyday as a routine. Hot water keeps oils and the food products running down the drain rather than building up on the interior walls of the sink’s drain pipes. Do this and you never have to worry about a blocked kitchen sink ever.
  • If you have a sink with a garbage disposal, avoid putting a certain types of food wastes. For example, banana peels, eggshells, potato skins etc. All such types of waste are sticky and thick and therefore don’t grind well in disposals and thus they slowly clog the pipe resulting into a blocked kitchen sink.
  • Never let a lot of tissue papers go down the sink’s drain pipe. This tissue mulch can accumulate and eventually mix up with other waste materials and create a blockage.
  • Never. Again repeating the word, just never dump paint or paint thinner down the sink.

  • Well, even after these precautions, you get a blocked kitchen sink, do not worry. Here are some easy and effective homemade ways to unclog it:

    [Image2 Shutterstock.com]
  • A plunger: This is the most medieval method and surprisingly effective. All you have to do is cover the drain opening of the sink completely with the plunger cup, hold the plunger upright and plunge for about 10-12 times vigorously. Make sure all the other openings and outlets are plugged with wet rugs.
  • Baking soda Vinegar: This is a method for a patient person as one may need to repeat it several times before getting the results. It requires minimal energy though. All you have to do is pour ½ a cup of baking soda down the drain followed by ½ a cup of vinegar. The combination of both is an acidic reaction which helps to soften all the hardened waste blocking your sink drain. Just pour hot water down the drain to complete the process and it washes down all the waste softened by the baking soda and vinegar combo. If the blockage is a huge one, it may take several repeats of this process before the drain is completely cleared.
  • A metal wire hanger: This is a manual way to clear out the junk accumulated in the drain. All you need is a metal wire hanger. If you have a broken hanger in the house, this would be a great way to repurpose it. First, unbend the wire and use it as a snake going down the drain. Then, with the top bent part, try pulling out the waste or try pushing the blockage through.

  • One of these tricks is a sure shot way to [Link http://www.thedrainman.com.au/service/blocked-drains-sewers/ clear your blocked kitchen sink]. But, if this all fails, you can always call a plumber.


    230048 - 2023-07-17 11:50:24


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