Carry On Home Rendering to Enhance the Resale Value of Your Property
Plastering and rendering are basically processes that cover block work in coatings of mortar. The two differ by way of consistency of mortar. Render has more mortar than plaster because it is meant for exterior walls, and hence, it is required to be weather resistant.
Home rendering can increase the life of your building, thus increasing its resale value. If you have cracked walls or dilapidated façade for your house, then you must call in professional rendering services to enhance the quality of your house. It is not a costly process, and you can add more value to your home, by going for occasional home rendering.
1. Too much cement is bad
Whether you go for [Link concrete rendering], you must know that using too much cement is bad, as mixing water with too much cement makes it clay-like and additional fissures can actually ruin the building structure. Cladded or fibro homes or those homes which are made of mortar and concrete last long, in spite of harsh weather conditions.
The cracks that you see in buildings aren’t exactly the fault of cement, but more so the fault of incorrect rendering. As a thumb rule, the mortar that is used to join material should not be stronger than the material. In home rendering, the material is bricks. Typically, contractors apply 1 part cement to 4 or 5 parts of sand between brickwork. However, that is incorrect. Ideally, the mixture should be 1 part cement to 8 parts sand.
2. Don’t fill those cracks with more cement
When you use a strong cement mix for home rendering, you invariably put the walls at risk of cracking. Sand and cement have the tendency to shrink, thus pulling the brickwork with them. Hairline cracks make your home structure unstable, and you can insulate your home with proper home rendering with the help of cements and mortar mixed in equal proportions.
Most often, contractors will fill these hairline cracks with a stronger mix of sand and cement. However, with seasonal changes, the existing cracks push against the hard repair, thus opening the cracks even further.
3. Use lime
Using a lime mix is a better method of home rendering. A good mortar mix containing lime is 1 part cement, 1 part lime, and 6 parts soft sand. You could make the mix even weaker for repair jobs by having 9 parts of soft sand in it.
If you still aren’t sure about lime, you could go plasticizer. While not the same as limestone, plasticizer introduces air in the mix, which prevents against frosting, and hence, cracks.
How to hire a home rendering service?
1. Experience
If it is a full-fledged rendering project, it is best to hire an experienced expert. Typically, you want someone who is licensed and insured. While licenses are not needed for projects under $10,000, a licensed contractor would still do a better job. Licensed home rendering contractors can make the walls insulated with proper rendering methods. Brick rendering also enhances the sound insulation, and the leakage of warm air from the interior of the rooms, can also be prevented, with proper home rendering.
2. Get a contract in place
Get a contract in place before you hire a contractor for home rendering. The contract should list the materials that will be used, the turnaround time, and the warranty of the job done. Typically, most service providers will give you 1-2 years of warranty on a rendering job.
Finally, you must make sure you negotiate on the pricing a little bit. Most people are willing to budge is the project is big enough. You could always negotiate on the cost of the materials too, if sourcing the materials is the contractor’s job. For further details you can [Link visit this link].
229978 - 2023-07-17 11:49:11