Choose The Best Cordless Power Tool For Your Needs
Things To Know Before Buying Cordless Tools
So, you finally decided to get yourself a cordless power tool you had been yearning for a long time? A smart decision without doubt, but also one that should be made after a review of all the things characteristic to cordless power tools available on the market today. The reason why this topic needs emphasis is that the variety of tools is so vast nowadays, that potential customers easily get confused due to similarity between the products offered, as well as significant differences that exist between various models. In order to make it a bit easier, I’ve prepared a short survey on things you should pay attention to before making a final decision and opting for a particular cordless tool.
Photo courtesy of Charles and Hudson
Type of Work Dictates Power
Power tools come in three standard power options, 12V, 18V and 24V. The 12V battery is designed for users who plan on using their cordless tool for less power-demanding actions, such as simple drilling, bolt screwing or smaller decking jobs, while 18V power is for users who are into more serious action such as jigsawing and sanding or impact driving. Finally, 24V power tools are designed for professionals.
Think through all the options and choose accordingly. If you don’t do any power-demanding tasks, then you fall into 12V category and therefore have no need for 18V or 24V power. Buying a smaller version will save you money and you will still be able to finish all the work.
Frequency of Use
There is another classification of batteries you should familiarize yourself with before making a definite choice. When it comes to cordless power tools, two types of batteries exist, a
Li-ion and NiCad ones . NiCad batteries are older technology and take significantly more time to charge. However, they are significantly less expensive. So, if you are a less frequent power tool user, you should definitely consider getting a NiCad battery version. Even if you get an extra battery, you will save enough to buy extra accessories. Also, there are manufacturers that have an extra battery included in their basic offer, and this goes for both types of batteries, so compare prices before you buy. Last, but not least, not all batteries of the same type are equal. Pay special attention to mAh. The battery with a higher mAh rating will hold the charge longer.
Photo courtesy of Charles and Hudson
No matter how good a tool might be, if it doesn’t feel comfortable in your hand – it’s probably not for you. One of the most important things when it comes to proper use of a cordless tool is how it feels when you hold it in your hand. If it is too heavy, by all means go for a lighter one, regardless of which battery it uses. Also in terms of practicality, if you plan on using more than one attachment,
take cordless tool combo kits into consideration because it’s always cheaper to buy in bulk, and it will save you some time having to search for various attachments individually.
General Use
Perhaps the most important question of all is whether you need a cordless tool at all. If it is merely a hype thing to drill a couple of holes and tighten a number of bolts twice a year, save yourself the money and effort and remove it from your shopping list. On the other hand, if you find yourself fixing small issues around the house and plan to use it frequently, for various tasks it is capable of, then by all means go for it.
In Conclusion
Cordless power tools are very useful and versatile tools, and will most certainly help you out in completing various tasks around the home. When making a new purchase you should first evaluate what kind of work will you need to do with them. More voltage equals more power and more power means more versatility. But it also comes at a certain price, as strongest power tools also tend to be the bulkiest. 18V tools are probably the best choice as they have enough power while at the same time remain relatively easy to deal with physically. Think about your needs and select the best tool accordingly.
229895 - 2023-07-17 11:47:56