Cure the Blues with DIY Pampering

Cure the Blues with DIY Pampering

Posted 2013-10-21 by Tammy Faceyfollow
When the chips are down your appearance can take a dive - you don't care, you're tired, and you just want to sleep. I tend to treat myself when I'm feeling low, with a trip to the salon, but instead of spending a horrendous amount of cash to improve my mood, I've decided to save money and enjoy DIY beauty treatments. Doing it yourself you know exactly what's going into your treatment, and it's a small comfort to know you're helping yourself and saving your precious cash at the same time.

Time: At least 30 minutes

Nail varnish of your choice
Facial mask
Hair conditioner


  • For salon-perfect nails you must take your time. When I paint my nails, it takes an hour. Time is essential if you want professional-looking nails, and frankly, I can spot a rushed manicure a mile off.

  • To achieve the look of salon worthy nails I do it like a pro: I have a nail file with me, and cap full of nail varnish remover, and cotton buds to remove any smudges.

    When painting your nails, go right down to the cuticles - what they do at the salon - because it makes your nails look longer.

    Having a glossy set of talons makes my heart sing, and you’ve saved at least £10 (and that’s a cheap one), by doing it yourself.

  • Doing your own hair can seem like such a chore, but distributing the conditioner through your hair, relish the fact you can leave the conditioner in your hair for as long as you like, and perhaps naked. Maybe forget that last bit, but doing it at home means you can forgo the formalities of sitting in a hairdressers, chill at home, and forget your woes.

  • Instead of moping around the house, and crying into your pillow, get up, do your hair and make heads turn. Your bathroom can become your own beauty salon, as you expertly apply your hair mask and let it sink in. Make sure you apply the conditioner root to tip for a salon-perfect result.

  • Giving yourself a facial can seem like a laborious task, but it is incredibly calming, and your skin will look fantastic afterwards. Plus focusing on mixing, and blending your facial mask, oils, and scrub will take your mind off the negative things on your mind.

  • Zitbanishing spot treatment

    I have used Zit banishing spot treatment here.

    For a glowing, sun-kissed visage many reccomend sitting in the sun, but caring for your skin before and after you've been lazing in the sunshine is essential for a glow. When you're feeling low the last thing you want is a peeling face. Remember to scrub and moisturise before and after a day in the sunshine, and you'll go to bed with a just-caught-the-sun face.

  • Taking half an hour out of your day to pamper yourself, can be all you need to make yourself feel better. Don't consider it a luxury because you deserve to be happy, and if 30 minutes of an arm massage is what you need, then start warming your hands, and grab the oils.

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