Dry Lavender
An English summer brings the flowering of Lavender and it's heady scent. The distinctive smell is believed to aid sleep and is often used in lavender bags placed beneath pillows. It takes a couple of weeks to dry but it's simple to do.
Time: 20 minutes plus up to 2 weeks drying time.
Fresh lavender
Elastic band
Cool and dark place to hang
Pick some lavender with the stalks as long as possible.
Strip off the leaves.
Bunch together with the flower heads to one end.
An elastic band of twist tie is a simple way to bind the lavender
Tie together with an elastic band.
Hang the lavender preferably in a cool, dark place.
As the flowers dry, some will fall off the stalks so place something underneath to catch any that drop.
Fold and unfold a piece of paper so that it has a crease down the centre.
Dried lavender flowers
Once the lavender has dried (this can take up to two weeks), gently remove the flowers onto the piece of paper. The crease in the paper means that you will be able to funnel the lavender more easily into wherever you choose.
Lavender flower petals stripped from the stalks
229683 - 2023-07-17 11:42:19