How To Get Your Wardrobe Organised
Chilly mornings and early evenings are the first signs of autumnal change, the ideal time to reinvigorate your wardrobe and put some order back into the chaos.
Digging out old favourites from deep storage, you’ll find pieces you’re happy to welcome back into your winter wardrobe, while you’re bound to notice a few strays that were rammed out of sight with glee last spring.
To avoid repeating the seasonal cycle of hanging everything up in your closet, only to wear just a few items repeatedly this winter, take 10 minutes out to give pieces the once-over first.
Moths are attracted to woollens and tiny holes and nibbles are the first sign of infestation, so the affected items must be quarantined and your entire wardrobe treated.
Loose buttons, zips and hems will need fixing, while coats and suits will need creases and fluff brushed out.
Before hanging everything up or folding pieces into drawers, check for fit – there’s nothing worse than slipping on your favourite jeans in a hurry, only to
find they’re no longer your best friend.
Are those black leggings doing the best for your legs, or are they pilled and stretched from wear and need replacing?
Your winter wardrobe is likely to take up the most space in your closet, so it’s easy to “lose” items if there’s little or no order.
Most people belong to one of two camps when it comes to closet organisation: colour-coding or item-ordering.
Colour-coding is perfect for those who own a large, colourful wardrobe – items of similar colours are grouped together like an artist’s palette, making colour-
mixing fun.
Colour-coding also means you’re likely to choose pieces that catch your eye, creating fresh outfits in dashing colour-ways that are fun to wear.
It’s the perfect way to organise your wardrobe if you have an active social life – plenty of choices, lots of fresh outfit ideas and there’s no re-hashing the same look.
Conversely, item-ordering your closet is perfect for those who favour a neutral palette.
Imagine mornings sifting through a mainly black collection that’s hung haphazardly.
It doesn’t even beg thinking about.
Hanging clothes in item order works by grouping like items together, regardless of colour.
Pieces are sectioned off - for example, coats, jackets, suits, trousers, skirts, shirts, sweaters and dresses ranging in length from long to short.
And the beauty of this system?
If you like to plan your outfits, it’s easier to put your hands on pieces quickly when you know exactly where they’re hanging.
If you’re an early riser, you won’t need to put too much thought into your outfit when you’ve already decided what to wear, so there’s less chance of starting
the day on the wrong foot.
You may already have your own systems working perfectly for you, the main thing is to be mindful of clutter and un-wearables.
Are you keeping something just because you’re used to seeing it hanging in your closet?
Are there perfectly good pieces you don’t wear simply because a skirt hem is loose or a favourite jacket needs dry cleaning?
Put these out of sight as they’ll only frustrate you when you’re getting dressed – it’s better to get them replaced, mended or cleaned so you can enjoy them
once more.
The same goes for footwear and bags; wear and tear don’t improve their looks and if they’re past mending, they need replacing.
Dirty, unpolished winter boots ruin an outfit, so get the brushes out and give them a once-over – it’s worth the effort and they’ll look a million bucks.
Just a few minutes spent checking through your clothes at the beginning of each season means less wardrobe wars and more fabulous outfits.
And remember, the more space you clear, the more room you have for
new winter fashion.
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