How To Install Your Own Pool

How To Install Your Own Pool

Posted 2015-04-27 by Robert Keithfollow

There is no better way to pass a summer with kids than by playing in your back yard pool. Not only do they give kids a great chance to practise their swimming skills, but they are a fantastic way to refresh without the aircon.

The trouble is, installing a pool is often an expensive endeavour with many homeowners not knowing where to start. So in this article I’ll explain the 2 most common methods you have, as well as a few tricks to make the installation as affordable as possible.

Above ground, or in ground?

Ultimately the choice depends on 2 things, budget and style.

Some homeowners long having an above ground pool because its easy to install, fits nicely in their deck, and has far fewer maintenance issues long term. They generally don’t require much earthmoving to install, and your regular plumber can install most of the pipework, saving you on a pool specialist.

Plus, above ground pools are generally far cheaper at only 10 to 20% of the cost of their in-ground counterparts.

If however you’ve got the additional money spare and you’d like a more luxurious feel to your backyard, then an in-ground pool is for you. Starting at $25,000 for a small fiberglass pool installed, they require a substantial investment, however the value they add to your home is immense.

Long term an in ground pool can create some issues if the shell or plumbing starts to leak, and the cost to repair can be tens of thousands.

The most affordable way to install a pool.

As its extremely difficult and technical to install an in ground pool, today I’m going to walk you through how to install a cheaper, easier above ground pool in.

Time: 1 Day

  • Step 1. Decide on the type of pool.

  • There are 2 main types of above ground pools on the market. The first is the cheaper vinyl walled version, and the second is the aluminum walled, and vinyl lined version. We suggest using the aluminum walled style as they are more study, and longer wearing.

  • Step 2: Choose your area

  • Your pool needs to be virtually flat otherwise the water level won’t be even at differing ends of the pool. If you don’t have a flat area in your backyard, then we recommend digging out an area to create a platform that is level, and large enough for your pool to fit with a 30cm (1ft) border around it.

    Make sure the platform is smooth and free of any sharp debris.

    We also recommend that you lay a 10 cm sand base underneath where the pool will sit to protect the liner for any possible puncturing.

  • Step 3: Set up the walls

  • Most DIY pool kits will have simple instructions on how to set up the fiberglass or aluminium walls. They usually clip together and fasten like a grown up version of Lego.

    Once the walls are up, we recommend double checking each bolt is properly tightened as they will be under strain once filled.

  • Step 4: Install the liner

  • Once your walls are solidly installed, its time to install your liner. When installing hang 2-3 inches over the edges and temporarily hold them in place with clothes pegs.

    Then work from the middle out to smooth any wrinkles, while tucking everything neatly in the corners.

  • Step 5: Connect the Pump

  • Most DIY pool kits come with simply pumps and pre-cut holes. So install your filter system and ensure everything is water proof before filling your pool. If in doubt call a licensed plumber .

  • Step 6: Fill & Treat

  • Using filtered drinking quality water, start filling your pool. This process usually takes 1-12 hours depending on the size of your pool and the flow rate of your hose.

    As it fills, add your chlorine & Hydrochloric acid or pool salt to begin sterilizing the water. When the water level reaches the pump, start filtering it simultaneously. Run for 6 hours after full to ensure all water is safe and sterile.

  • Step 7: Enjoy

  • Grab the kids and your favorite pool toys and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in your new pool!


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