Keep Cool at Home for Less

Keep Cool at Home for Less

Posted 2014-10-12 by Colleen P Moynefollow
Image courtesy of Khunaspix

Summer is approaching and with the high cost of electricity, running our air-conditioning every day is not always an option, but there are other ways we can keep cool at home that cost far less.

1. Consider a cooling pillow. These are inexpensive and easy to use. Chill in the freezer and then place inside your pillow to keep your head cool at night.

2. Place your sheets in a well-sealed plastic bag in the freezer for about fifteen minutes before bed-time.

3. Dampen a sheet and sleep under it.

Image courtesy of curugon

4. Dampen a sheet and hang it in front of an open window.

5. Place your fan in a high place. Sleep on the floor. Remember – hot air rises, cold air drops.

6. If you have a skylight or windows that open at the top, open them and let the heat out as it rises.

7. When you arrive home to a hot house, run the exhaust fan for a while to suck out the hot air.

8. Place a bowl of ice in front of your fan. The air will blow over the ice and increase its cooling power.

Image courtesy of twobee

9. Try to avoid using your stove on hot days. Eat cold foods or use your electric frying pan or slow-cooker in another part of the house or outdoors.

10. Wear light, loose cotton clothing and tie your hair up.

11. Keep yourself hydrated. Keep cold water in the fridge. A good idea is to half-fill your drink bottle and freeze it. Then you can just keep topping it up with water.

Image courtesy of ambro

12. Have an occasional quick cold shower or keep some water in the bath for a dip.

13. Keep a spray bottle handy and give yourself a spritz every now and then.

14. Sit with a cold cloth on your pulse points (wrists, forehead, neck,) and your feet in a bowl of cool water.

Image courtesy of nocando

15. If installing outdoor blinds is beyond your budget, there are other ways you can shade windows. Consider shutters, a trellis or some shade-cloth - at least on the western side of your home where the afternoon sun hits.

16. Close your house up and darken the windows. Find a cool place to spend the day, perhaps a library or shopping centre.


229848 - 2023-07-17 11:46:52


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