Make A Natural Fire Lighter

Make A Natural Fire Lighter

Posted 2014-12-30 by Oxford Explorerfollow
Image courtesy of Pixabay

It’s the time of year when we stop to reflect over the year that’s gone and look toward the new year with a sense of…determination? Some of us still insist on making New Year Resolutions (even though most of us never keep any of them,) so if you are still determined to make changes in your life starting now, here are six strategies that just might help you succeed this time:

1. Don’t be too specific – By promising yourself you’ll lose ten kilo then you will feel that you’ve failed if you lose six. Instead, resolve to replace some of your sinful foods with healthier alternatives and stop stressing.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

2. Take Smaller Steps – Plan to be ‘closer to your goal’ by next New Year. So what if you haven’t started that business yet? If you've taken steps towards making it happen, you haven’t failed.

3. Don’t Overdo it – Make only one promise to yourself and work towards that end. It’s better to accomplish one thing each year over three years than to try to do three in one year and fail at all of them.

4. Recruit Support – Ask a friend or family member to help you stay focused. Enlist them to cheer you on when you’re succeeding and commiserate with you when you slip. Sometimes all you need is a little pep-talk.

Image courtesy of Flickr

5. Schedule Your Time – Use your Outlook calendar or diary to post intermittent reminders of your goal. We can get so busy throughout the year that our resolutions get forgotten. Use pop-up reminders to keep it fresh in your thoughts.

6. Break it Up – Whatever your goal, break it down into twelve smaller steps, one for each month. Stick a monthly goals calendar on the fridge and tick off one step every month. This will keep the momentum going and keep you at the right pace to get you there by next New Year.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If you do happen to fall by the way-side with your resolutions, don’t be too hard on yourself. There is no rule that says you have to make them on January first and keep them all year. You can make them, modify them or start from scratch whenever you like and as often as you like. Don’t tell yourself you've failed – pat yourself on the back for having the determination to start again.

#Life Skills
#Personal Development

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