Make Flying as Comfortable as Possible

Make Flying as Comfortable as Possible

Posted 2014-10-20 by Michael Sfollow
Image Source Flickr Creative Commons

I love to travel but one of the biggest factors that's stopping me from becoming a serial globetrotter is my distaste for flying.

Even though I'm aware that the possibility of something happening to the plane is less than the possibility of geting hit by a car, there are still some other general things about flying that don't agree with me.

Here are some tips I've picked up over the years to make flying as comfortable as possible.

Chew gum
You know that initial pop of the ears you experience during takeoff. As a child, it physically hurt me and forever killed any chance of me becoming a travel writer. A family friend recommended that I chew gum and it helped immensely. It won't get rid of the pop completely but it'll lessen the impact.

Travel light
One of the biggest causes of stress amongst travellers is luggage anxiety. Whether its losing it, overpacking or not being able to fit it into overhead storage; there is no doubt that luggage problems have contributed to my travelling baggage. If you're not on a long flight e.g. flying from Australia to New Zealand , just take a carry on and buy toiletries when you get there. Unless you're travelling somewhere desolate, it's quite likely that you'll be able to find a toothbrush in town.

Sleeping pills
Unless you have an innate ability to sleep anywhere, you might need a little help to fall asleep on a plane. Be careful about the drugs you purchase and make sure you check with your doctor before consmption.

Wear comfortable clothing
Gone are the days where you have to dress to impress when boarding a flight. Other than the first-time flyers, everyone knows what an ordeal a long flight can be. Don't wear anything tight or uncomfortable, make sure it's something you can relax in as it'll be your outfit for quite a while.

Keep yourself busy
Don't sit there and let the nerves consume you. Bring a book you've been meaning to read or load up your laptop with some of your favourite movies. Maybe bring a book of crosswords or Sudoku. Whatever your vice, the flight will go by faster if you're doing something you enjoy.

Think about your holiday ahead
The hard part is already over! You've already purchased a flight (hopefully it was a cheap airfare ), you've already finished packing and you're on the way to a holiday.

Yes, the jouney might be less than ideal but think of all the possibilities that await you once you touch down. If you haven't planned ahead, do a little research like reading some travel blogs by some of the world's finest

Happy travels!


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