Make Handtied Posy Bouquet
A simple bouquet can cost anywhere between AUD $75 - $150 depending on the choice of flowers, style and design. I decided to make a posy bouquet for my informal marriage registration ceremony and saved 75% more compared to store price.
A posy bouquet is usually round and small which can be easily held in one hand.
Time: 1 - 2 hours*
Depends on level of experience. it took me 1.5 hours, first attempt.
Useful tools
1. Stem stripper (substitute - A pair of scissors)
2. Floral tape (substitute - rubber band)
3. Bobby needle
4. Satin ribbon
5. Blade
6. Flowers - Peach roses, White gerbera and fillers (green and yellow)
Rule of thumb:
End result A posy bouquet
1. Flower colors
The bouquet and dress should compliment each other. Choose colors that go well with your dress.
2. Seasonal flowers
To be cost effective, buy flowers that are in season and abundant in store. Buy from local grocers like Coles and Woolworths. They do have beautiful flowers from time to time.
3. Flower combination
Limit the combination to two or three types of flowers and colors. Do not cluster the bouquet with too many different types of flowers.
Trim off access leaf, thorns, damage leaf and leave the stems about 20-25cm* long. Make sure you are comfortable with the length. (*This is the actual length. If you are making the bouquet the night before, it is advisable to leave the stems longer so that the ends are soaked in water to keep the flowers fresh)
In the process of shaping the bouquet
Grab a few stems in one hand and add one by one to the bouquet with the other hand. Make sure it is rounded. This will be the bouquet centerpiece.
Add in bouquet fillers around the side of the center piece. Fillers are usually greenery and there are some with smaller flowers. They make the overall bouquet look more rounded and whole.
Make sure the ends are even. Trim any uneven stem. Tie the stems with rubber bands, one on top and the other at the bottom.
Hand tied bouquet
Wrap the stems with satin ribbon (color depends on your flowers and personal preference but it's usually beige) in spiral motion from the top to the bottom. Secure the ribbon with bobby head pin (color should match the ribbon) at the top after first /second rounds and secure with another pin when you reach 3-inches from the bottom.
Soak the ends in the water about 1-2 inches high if you're not using it immediately.
When you are ready to use, trim 2 inches off the stems from the bottom.
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229659 - 2023-07-17 11:40:59