Make Natural Yogurt
You can spend a fortune on yogurt in the supermarket, but there's just no need when you can make your own, thick and tasty yogurt at home. After trying to make yogurt in the past I've finally worked out how to do it right, and save cash in the process.
2 tblsp of live natural yogurt
3 pints of full-fat organic non-uht cows milk
Pour the milk into a large saucepan and leave, without a lid, on the lowest heat for 30 minutes.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave to cool for one hour.
Once cooled stir in the yogurt, cover and leave for 12 hours/overnight.
In the morning you'll have fresh, thick yogurt:
Thick, tasty yogurt
Pour into glass jars/whatever storage you have handy.
Refrigerate. It can be enjoyed for a full week.
I have tried to make yogurt previously with UHT milk, but it just doesn't turn out the same. Organic milk provides thicker, creamier yogurt that is just as good, if not better, than shop bought.
It's easy to try and complicate this very simple, satisfying yogurt recipe, but resist the urge because this works plus I'm saving money, and you can too.
229649 - 2023-07-17 11:40:29