Make Smudge Sticks
Smudge sticks are traditionally used to clear the energy in a house and/or person. Different cultures use different dried herbs for this purpose, however it is possible to make your own smudge sticks using loose herbs from the garden. I had plenty of this Tulasi Basil, which is commonly used in Indian Ayurvedic Medicine.
"Smudging" is a sacred practice to many cultures around the world, so please be respectful as you create your smudge stick and burn in mindfully. Can you feel a clearing of the energy after your smudging ceremony?
Tulasi Basil Smudge Sticks
Time: While it takes a few minutes to assemble the smudge stick itself, it takes several days to dry the leaves out.
Tulasi Basil leaves ready for drying
Several large handfuls of fresh herbs (Tulasi basil, lavender, sage, rosemary, cedar or mugwort)
Long pieces of cotton thread (for tying)
Select some fresh herbs which grow in abundance, for harvesting.
Allow the harvested fresh herbs to dry out in the sun for about a week or more.
Collect some dried leaves and form into a bundle
Bundle the leaves gently together in the palm of your hand and tie the leaves together around the outside with cotton thread.
Tie the cotton around the dried leaves
Light one end of the smudge stick and cleanse yourself and the surrounding environment. Be sure to use a non-flammable dish (such as an abalone shell) to catch the ash as it burns.
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