Make Squeeze Balls
Squeeze Balls are well known for stress relief, but do you know they are actually very easy to make yourself - no need to buy them anymore. These are fun for children to make for themselves or for gifts for friends or relatives. They are also perfect for juggling with, if the circus is your thing. These are a great boredom buster, especially if you need some rainy day activities to keep everyone "busy". Maybe make one for Dad or Grand Dad to take to the office to de-stress at work?
Time: 5 -10 minutes
Ingredients assembled
Using the funnel
Latex Balloon - deflated
Small funnel
Finished product
Position your funnel inside the balloon opening.
Pour the cornflour into the funnel - best performed over a sink just in case any spilling occurs.
Fill balloon as full as possible, tie off and begin squeezing. Use several layers of balloons if you're nervous about it breaking and cornflour covering your bedroom floor.
229604 - 2023-07-17 11:38:02
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