Play Conkers
Here is a fool proof way to create a neat hair bun for your next celebration or function. All you need is long hair, a brush, and a "donut" which can be purchased at any chemist. The plaits around the outside of the bun conveniently hide the elastic underneath, however you could simply twist the remaining hair around the bun without plaiting it at all.
Finished Donut Hair Bun
Time: 20 minutes
1 "donut" hair piece
1 brush
4 hair elastics
10 bun pins
Brush the hair so that it is completely free of any troublesome knots, and make a fairly high pony tail.
Make a pony tail
Place the "donut" over the high pony tail.
Donut in place
Spread the hair neatly out over the "donut".
Spread the hair out
Place the second hair elastic over the hair and "donut".
Hold the hair in place
Divide the remaining hair into two pieces and plait each one, tying each plait with a hair elastic on the end to hold the plaits in place.
Plaits down each side
Twist the plaits around the outside of the donut bun and pin them into place with bun pins if necessary. Now you're ready to hit the town - have fun.
Twist the plaits around
229852 - 2023-07-17 11:46:59
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