Probable Reasons Which Cause A Burst Hot Water
You can probably imagine the horrible situation when you are relaxing at home and all of a sudden, water starts flooding everywhere in your house. The cause can be a burst hot water. This may spell a disaster and this reason is one of the top five reasons for water damage inside the home. Check the water heaters in your house and get it serviced at regular intervals or you may run at a risk of an explosion hazard in your house. Once the hot water heater is old and dilapidated, it is safe to replace them even it is still working. The old and dilapidated hot water heaters have the maximum chances of explosion or burst hot water. Majority of the problems in a water heater is due to the following mentioned reasons.
1. Built-Up Of Sediment –
Over the passage of time, the sediments which are the minerals in the hard water settle down at the bottom of the water heater. The mineral layer particularly insulated the water from the burner and forces it to run longer in order to heat the water causing it to overheat and gradually deteriorate the water tank. In case you are facing this problem, your water heater makes popping and knocking noise. This noise is particularly of water trapped beneath the sediment bubbling up and trying to escape the sediment layer. That is how the boiling water pushed up towards the top of the pot. You would need to flush and drain the tank of the sediment thoroughly at least once or twice in a year.
2. Rust Corroding The Tank –
Your water heater is usually made up of steel which is majorly iron. This means that over the course of time, the water stored inside the tank would cause rust inside. This is true that the water heater is equipped with an internal rust protection component which is termed as a sacrificial anode rod. This rod is 3 to 5 feet long. With time, once this rod starts to deteriorate, the water heater starts to rust. You can identify this problem if your hot water appears brownish or rusty in color. In order to avoid this problem, you need to inspect the anode rod once in every two years once the warranty period has expired. You will probably change the concerned anode rod once in every 4 to 5 years.
3. Building Up Internal Pressure Inside The Water Heater –
In case you are blowing excess air into a balloon, then the balloon would obviously burst. In a similar manner, if excess pressure builds up inside the water heater chamber, it will eventually leak or result in a horrible burst hot water. If the pressure ridiculously increases inside the water heater chamber, then there are strong chances that the water heater will explode just like a bomb or rocket. Even if there is a valve in the water heater, the extra pressure is highly responsible for the water heater’s wear and tear eventually damaging it. If you are facing this problem in your water heater, then you have to loosen the T&P valve in order to release the excess pressure. If the valve has stopped working, then the excess pressure will not be able to release. This may lead to a severe explosion. All you need to do is to avoid setting the high temperature in the water heater. You need to ensure that you can set the temperature to the maximum at around 120 to 125 degrees. This will for sure prevent the building up of the excess and unwanted pressure inside the water heater chamber.
Being aware of the above things and taking the right care timely would help you in
preventing the burst hot water .
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