Relax and Unwind
We all have relax and unwind in different ways...a variety of different meditation mats
“Rest can be even more effective than manifesting.”
Resting can make all the difference to our heath and wellbeing. We all need to take some time out occasionally to “stop and smell the roses.” We need to do the latter in order to ideally avoid and minimise burn out and ill health. We need some time out and actully be human beings every now and then, regardless of how busy we all are.
Step 1: Meditate
It does not take much nor does it take long to reap the benefits of meditation. Different meditation styles suit different people. It is more a trial and error process. You might need to attend different meditation courses to find the right technique for you. You can sit upright on a chair, or cross legged on a meditation mat. You just need to focus on your breathing, and the chatter from your mind will begin to slow down with patience. It is great to also create a meditation space at home to get yourself into the zone. You just need a few minutes and then you can expand the time you’re meditating. Benefits of meditation include inner peace. Trivial things and things in life that normally upset you won’t upset you as much (if at all) when a regular meditator. Wake up ten minutes earlier, and you will see some benefits.
Setting the scene for a relaxing, milky bath
Step 2: Have a Bath
Having a bath with some natural bath crystals or bath milk is a great way to cleanse. You’re letting go of any negative energy or demanding people that may have made your day a little challenging. It’s a peaceful way to unwind. Have one least a couple of hours before you go to bed, that way your body can cool down and you can sleep more effectively. It is great to also put on some soothing music and light a few candles around your bath to attract peace and serenity.
Reconnecting to nature
Step 3: Spend Time in Nature
Spending time in nature is soothing and the pace is a lot slower than when we are around man made objects such as technology and transport. It is great to lie on the grass and earth your feet into something natural. You will begin to feel revitalised and energised through spending as much time in nature as you can for some heavenly downtime.
A glimpse into a small part of the writers living room at home
Step 4: Occasional Rest and Time Out
Nothing wrong with nanna naps at all. They can
re-charge you and you will end up feeling more productive aftr a quick nap. It is okay to also perch yourself on the couch, burn some candles and listen to some soft, chill out music. Rest helps you glow and re-charge. We can’t be up and alive all the time. We all need our downtime.
Pets are also quite therapeutic, and do put many people into a calm state of mind.
Step 5: Focus on feeling Great
When you can, spend more time on those activities that make you feel alive, energised and fantastic. They key to success in life and in your career is to feel good as much as possible. Indulge, or engage in life force raising activities that won’t get you into debt. This could be anything from having a massage to visiting an art gallery.
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