Set Up Signature In Outlook To Promote Your Business For Free
Whether you own a café, a children’s clothing store or a car garage, one of the best and cheapest way you can promote your business is to set up a Signature in your email program, such as Outlook. The signature is automatically added to the bottom of each email, so every time you send out a message, details of your business go with it. And think about how many emails you send out each day … and hence how many opportunities you have to market your business for free.
It is important though that you include the right information. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Your Name
Your Position / Title
Company Name
Website Address
Email Address
Links to Your Social Networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube etc
You can also include a photo of yourself or perhaps your business logo. But be aware that many people have graphics turned off in their email, so your image/logo may not show.
The instructions below are for Outlook 2007, although other versions of Outlook and email programs have a similar set up.
Step 1
Open Outlook
Step 2
Click on “Tools” (at the top of the toolbar)
Select “Options”
Step 3
A window will open up with various tabs
Click on “Mail Format”
Step 4
Click on “Signatures”
Step 5
Click on “New”
Name your signature (this is for your information only, your customers won't see it)
Step 6
Fill in the window with all your information. You can choose the font type, colour and size, whether the signature is left aligned or centred and you can also add in images and links.
Step 7
In the top right hand corner, you can select which email address your signature is linked to. This is particularly useful if you have several different email addresses.
Choose which signature to use for “New messages” and also “Replies/forwards”
Click OK and OK again.
Step 8
Restart Outlook
And you are done. Ready to promote your business with each email you send out.
229581 - 2023-07-17 11:36:45