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The humble Aloe Vera plant contains many wonderful health benefits, however the trick is knowing how to harvest them. Apparently, Cleopatra used "the plant of immortality" (Aloe Vera) to soften her skin way back in Ancient Egypt, so we might as well use it today to keep our skin fresh and supple.
Aloe Vera Leaves
Harvesting aloe vera is a rather fiddly and sticky process, however with a little patience, you can make your own home made Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Drinks, which can be quite expensive to buy in the shops, not to mention filled with preservatives.
Time: 60 minutes
Aloe Vera leaves
Sterile containers
Small sharp knife
Wash the aloe vera leaves and allow the yellow mucus to drain out.
Let the yellow mucus drain out
Take a sharp knife and slice the leaf in half lengthways.
Slice the aloe leaf with a knife
Using the knife, separate the translucent flesh from the spiky green skin of each leaf. This is the fiddly, sticky part of the harvesting process.
Separate the flesh
Once you have collected enough flesh, add a little water and blend it to make an antibacterial/antifungal gel - perfect for relieving any cuts/abrasions/burns/ sunburn.
Collect plenty of translucent aloe flesh
Gel of Immortality
You can store the Aloe Vera gel in the freezer so it is cool and ready to alleviate any unfortunate injuries.
Blend to make a gel
You can also add a tablespoon of Aloe Vera flesh to a cup of fruit juice as a digestive tonic. Either way, aloe vera is a handy plant to have around, so look after them and happy harvesting.
Aloe Vera Gel ready
229824 - 2023-07-17 11:46:23