It requires a lot of time and effort to run a Facebook group of this size, and we appreciate the support of our business sponsors who make it possible.
Sponsors also receive many perks which enable them to effectively promote their business. Sign up here to become a sponsor.
Sponsor benefits include:
No Limit
Include a short business signature at the end of your group comments
There are many discussions every day in the group on all kinds of topics. Sponsors are able to promote their business by positively contributing to these discussions and placing a short signature with their business details at the end of their comments.
For example, for a post asking for the best child friendly cafe in an area, you could give your advice on the best cafe and then at the end of your comment put: Sponsor - ABC Cleaners
This is great marketing for your business if you contribute to discussions in a positive way with useful advice. This is especially so for discussion topics on which you may be considered an expert. For instance a breastfeeding consultant could contribute helpfully to requests for advice on breastfeeding. When the other discussion participants see how knowledgeable you are on the topic they are more likely to seek out your services.
Signatures must be kept short and start with the word Sponsor.
For instance Sponsor - ABC Cleaning would be fine. Something like Sponsor - ABC Cleaning, the best cleaners in Howtoi would be too long.
The word Sponsor must be present at the start of your signature, otherwise the comment will be deleted by a moderator.
We also recommend that sponsors do not comment on controversial posts, and limit their comments that contain a signature to a maximum of 10 a day.
Each comment that contains a sponsor signature should also make a positive contribution to a discussion and not just be placed for the sake of promotion. Placing short comments with signatures will annoy other members and reflect badly upon the business you are trying to promote.
Up to 20 times per month
Promote your business by commenting in response to recommendation requests
Many of the questions asked in the group are for recommendations for different Howtoi businesses and services. It could be anything from a good place to buy a birthday cake, to the best local GP.
Being a sponsor allows you to answer these recommendation requests with the details of your own business.
Always place Sponsor at the end of any comment promoting your business, otherwise your comment may be removed by a moderator.
Any two per month
Post directly to the group promoting your business
Use this as a regular advert, run a competition, post a poll, ask questions for marketing research, promote a deal or sale, anything you like.
Be sure to include ** Sponsor ** at the top of each post so that it's not deleted as spam by a moderator.
Conduct a Question & Answer session
Sponsors may host Question \& Answer sessions for the group on topics on which they are expert. This is a great way to display your knowledge and attract more customers.
Post a survey
Ask members to answer a survey for market research.
Note that these posts are only made on groups with 5 or more sponsors.
Post or share events
Post or share one event per month to the group. This is perfect for promoting any events your business may be running.
If you have any questions about becoming a sponsor please contact us, or sign up here to become a sponsor.
How much does it cost?
For the latest pricing please see the listing page.
It's a monthly cost with a 3 month minimum term.
Can I promote more than one business?
No sorry. Just one business per sponsorship.
Can I include my phone number in my signature?
Yes you can. For instance Sponsor - ABC Cleaners - 0512 235 233 would be OK.
However it's not necessary or even recommended. Most people who want to get in touch will send you a private message through Facebook.
How often can I bump my monthly post?
2 times is the limit.
Can I comment using my sponsor signaure on any post?
Yes you can, but we don't recommend that you do.
Try to stay away from controversial topics.
Your comment should always contribute positively to the conversation as it will reflect on your business.
Do not leave really short comments just to pusblish your signature as it will annoy members.
Try to concentrate on topics on which you are an expert, or that are related to your business.
Don't publish more than 10 comments a day with your sponsor signature.
Someone who is not a sponsor is promoting their business on the group, what should I do?
The group is actively monitored, but sometimes something slips through and we appreciate your help.
Report the post or comment. It will be deleted and the person warned or blocked from the group.
Do you allow more than one business of the same type to be a sponsor?
Usually yes.
If you would like exclusivity please get in touch as this is sometimes possible depending on the business.
How do I cancel my sponsorship?
You can cancel any time after the first 3 months. Just contact us to let us know.
Can I be the only sponsor in my industry?
Exclusive sponsors are the only sponsor from within their industry, along with other benefits including more group and page posts. Contact us for pricing and more information.
An exclusive sponsorship is only possible if there are currently no other existing sponsors from your industry.