Stay calm in lavish surroundings
It sounds silly, but when you're in a nice, and new venue, it can be all too easy to exclaim at how wonderful and impressive it is, when you've never been there.
Frustratingly, however, I have received somewhat unwelcome looks when I've done the above and people have looked down on me.
Whilst I don't agree with changing your personality to benefit others, there are ways to seem a little more at ease and less impressed even in the most grand environments.
Firstly, take a deep breath. As your heart starts beating because you're in a new environment, it is all too easy to be a little overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and take it in, that way you won't seem so gob smacked by the grandeur.
Roll with it. Acting as though something isn't as new as it really is, is a surefire way to keep you on the cool and calm end of the spectrum.
Find a toilet. It will probably be luxurious, but have a little jump around, and burst of excitement in the toilets, not necessarily in a cubicle, but in private, where you can let out your excitement and then remain calm in the presence of those who has seen this all before.
229785 - 2023-07-17 11:45:00